What would you do to ensure that your children had a future - - that they had a hope? I'm sure your answer is "ANYTHING!" But what if there wasn't anything you could do - - because you didn't have a hope or a future either? That's the dilemma facing many parents and children in inner city Glendale. You see, in 85301 often the only future, the only hope, that the children have has to come from outside their community. It has to come from people who care - - it has to come from YOU!!
Joe Eriquez and HEART FOR THE CITY want you to think long and hard about that - - then they want you to do something about it! They want you, because you do care, to make a difference in the life of a child - - to give that child hope - - to give them a future. To accomplish this they want you to take a major step - - they want you to become a monthly partner and Fund a Life.
Fund a Life - - the thought is almost daunting, but what a rewarding role you will be playing in a child's life! With your monthly donation you will be able to sponsor their after school sports program; to send them to camp; to be part of the Holiday Help for Hungry Homes Program, and to provide a place, the Ministry House, where they can go to study and become adept on the computer while learning how to excel in school. You can do all this - - but you have to want to. You need to know that the greatest thing you can do in this world is to provide a child hope - - to provide them a future. You, regardless of your gender, need to be a Father to the Fatherless! You need to remember some of the greatest words Jesus every spoke to us, "As you do unto the least of these, so do you unto me."
Don't hesitate, not even for a moment. Right now, this very minute, you need to respond to this need. You need to provide a child hope - - you need to provide them a future. To do so will help to ensure that you will hear the Master say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!".
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